Another month of the Minimalist Game

Last month I already cleared out 145 items plus 5 trashbags of uncounted objects in an attempt to reduce the immense clutter in our house as part of the Minimalist Game started by The Minimalists.

The rule of the game is that you clear out one item on the 1st of the month, 2 items on the 2nd etc. It adds up to 465 items in total!

When I started I was very dilligent sometimes clearing out late in the night, but when the going got really tough we went on holiday on the 25th for the rest of the month. So instead of clearing out my dads house, where we are staying, I have decided to make a fresh start in November.

So here we go:

Day 16 and 17

33 more books have left my house, this time in the direction of Momox. I only received a meager € 19 in return. But that has an advantage, too: Less chance to buy new stuff to clog up my house again :)

Day 14

I had to travel to the UK for a week, so I have fallen behind on the game. I will make an extra effort though to catch up and fill the gaps...

Today I have sent out 14 books to Amazon Trade-In and received a voucher for € 34 in return. This comes just in time for buying Christmas presents.

Day 10

These ten books went on ebay. I am not really sure, if books sell well on ebay, but neither Amazon nor MOMOX wanted them... So I have given it a try.

Day 9

9 samples for glass XMAS baubles.

Day 8

8 more pieces of fabric

Day 7

7 remnant pieces of precious fabric (on ebay)

Day 6

6 items of MY clothing (as promised I am not only clearing out the kids' stuff.)

Day 5

More childrens' clothes

Day 4

4 old CD-Roms. They are so old that they only work on Windows 98, which we do not use anymore. So, off to the garbage.

Day 3

3 boys' rugby shirts went up on ebay today. (Feels like I am just clearing out the kids' stuff... But wait until the end of the week, then we will move on to mine!)

Day 2

2 old children's books (puzzle pieces missing)
went to the paper recycling

Day 1

Jacket hardly ever worn, which I had bought second hand for € 3.

Trying to sell it on through ebay...


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